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March 2006 Bulletin Release

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

‘I want my two… bulletins’. For some reason an unrelenting paperboy’s quest for two dollars seems to echo in my mind today. It seems so small yet it is so important. Well today the MSRC released two new bulletins. One for Office and the other for Windows, more info below. The Windows one addresses an issue you may have been following via our advisories, 914457.

March 2006 Advanced Notification

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Hey folks, Mike Reavey here, I wanted to take a quick second to make sure everyone saw the Advance Notification for the Security Bulletin release for March. This coming Tuesday, the 14th, we’re planning to release two security bulletins, and they are being released for Windows for Office. The maximum total severity rating for this month is Critical, so please update systems as soon as possible when they are available on Tuesday.

Security advisory posted, and RSA thoughts.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Hi everyone, Stepto here. (I’m giving up on the “Stephen Toulouse here” after many people I met at RSA greeted me as “Stepto”, but as a side note since I created the blog under “Stepto” please remember that posts made by individuals on the MSRC are made by themselves and not me.

MS06-007 update, and one year of blogging.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Hey folks, Stephen Toulouse here blogging live from San Jose, at the RSA 2006 security conference. First a quick update on the MS06-007 update issue Craig mentioned earlier. This situation is now resolved and customers should be able to get the update. I want to reiterate that the problem had nothing to do with the update itself, you applied it manually from the download center or got it through SUS 1.

Information on IE Drag and Drop Issue

Monday, February 13, 2006

Hey – Brian here, As we’re gearing up for release tomorrow I wanted to take a second to discuss a recent posting of a security issue to some mailing lists. Matt Murphy, a well known security researcher posted an alert today regarding a “drag and drop” issue affecting Windows. I actually handled this case and worked with Matt.

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening, depending on where you are.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Many of you may recognize my standard introduction from each month’s Security Bulletin Webcast. My name is Christopher Budd and I’ve been the primary technical presenter for the Monthly Security Bulletin webcast since January 2004. I’ve recently changed roles a bit and wanted to take a few minutes to introduce myself as you’ll be seeing me on this space more moving forward.

February 2006 Advance Notification

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Hey folks, Mike Reavey here, I wanted to take a quick second to make sure everyone saw the Advance Notification for the Security Bulletin release for February. This coming Tuesday, we’re planning to release seven security bulletins, and they are being released for Windows, one for Windows and Office and one for Office.

Two new security advisories posted

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Hi folks, Mike Reavey here. Just wanted to point out two new security advisories that we posted late last night. The first is related to a WMF vulnerability in older versions of Internet Explorer. This is different from the issue addressed by MS06-001 and only impacts older versions of Internet Explorer – if you’re using IE6SP1 or later, you’re protected from this issue.

Security Advisory posted: Win32/MyWife.E

Monday, January 30, 2006

Just as a followup to our last post, this evening we have posted a security advisory detailing what you can do to protect yourself from the Win32/MyWife.E worm (hint, don’t open attachments!) as well as additional info on how to get cleaned from it if you have been infected (hint, we recommend using the Windows Live Safety Center Beta at http://safety.