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Microsoft Active Protections Program (MAPP)

Helping Secure the Planet: New Strategic Initiatives from Microsoft

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Handle: Silver Surfer IRL: Mike Reavey Rank: Director, MSRC Likes: Warm weather, Battlestar Galactica, and responsibly reported vulnerabilities Dislikes: Rain, Rain without end, Clouds with potential for rain, reality TV, and unpatched vulns Tomorrow, Steve Adegbite, Katie Moussouris and I will give the first ever Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) talk at Black Hat, Las Vegas.

Security through Collaboration: Microsoft Active Protections Program

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Handle: Cap’n Steve IRL: Steve Adegbite Rank: Senior Security Program Manager Lead Likes: Reverse Engineering an obscene amount of code and ripping it up on a snowboard Dislikes: Not much but if you hear me growl…run Yut!!! Nothing like a motivating US Marine Corps yell to get your attention. Hey Steve Adegbite here, just wanted to drop some words and give you my perspective on some of the News we (Microsoft) announced this morning.